Friday 7 May 2010

Tourist Souvenir

First we looked at what each other had brought. There were a wide variety of souvenirs, typical things really. Then we got into groups and used the Kipling Method (also known as the 6 Thinking Men or 5 W's & 1 H) to generate as many questions as possible about the object. The questions all start with either: Who, What, Where, When, Why and How. The aim was to start with obvious questions and then keep going till you're asking stranger and stranger questions. We didn't try to answer these questions -we just wrote down as many as possible. We then combined 3 of the more interesting questions together to create a 3 Question brief. By asking questions and putting them together you can co-create a brief with the client to give you a framework to work within. The final thing we did was to choose either the 3 Question Brief or one of the Concept Challenge ideas to generate visual ideas of a new way of designing, making and thinking about London Tourist Souvenirs. We generated a quick yet professional visual prototype to show each other. You then showed these to each other and provided feedback on the ideas presented.

(look at the pictures along the bottom to explain what it is and how it works)

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